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Picture 1 person or picture 2 person?

National Clean Your Desk Day

Are you a picture 1 person or picture 2 person?

Monday was National Clean Your Desk Day, why not everyday?

“A tidy desk, tidy mind” OR “A messy desk, productive mind?”.

It is more to do with your ability to move forwards with purpose through the storm. My wife can be in picture one and create masterpieces. I can be in picture two with clients and change peoples lives and later have an admin “explosion” with a full on picture 1.

I will always try to end the day back at picture two in time for fun with the kids, wife and woofer and a sound nights sleep.

Every mind is unique and can do amazing things. Picture one or two…..just be you!

Helpful tips:

  • Keep it simple. Go with a quick and easy filing system for paperwork (that has to stay), scan and shred the rest.

  • Toys, mementoes and pictures can be an inspiration…..or a distraction. Go with what moves you forwards, not off to a distant world (without clocks 😊).

  • Vision boards can focus the mind and set your intent for the day.

  • “Practice makes progress NOT practice makes perfect!”Stuff happens and things pop up. 90-95% is an awesome result, aiming for 100% can be a disappointment waiting to happen.

If you’d like a clearer focused mind, better sleep, less stress or anxiety, please check the links below and get in touch (

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